Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Packaging Design - Adults

Tucker’s Gourmet Crackers- Coriander & Cracked Pepper

1. What symbols/colour has the company used to persuade their target audience (children or Adults)? 

They have used greens and browns as their colour palate. At the top of the packaging they have used a image of coriander and cracked pepper, to show their audience what flavor the crackers are.

2. What sort of message do you think the colours are trying to convey? Do the colours the company has used for the packaging indicate taste/flavour?

They have used greens to show and indicate the ingredient used on their cracker - coriander. The colour green also conveys and reinforces that their product is natural and fresh, as green is associated with nature and the environment. The brown used compliments green and also is associates with nature and the earth. As the colours used are not the common, primary colours, this give off a sense of uniqueness communicating to a high-quality and upmarket audience for adults. 

3. What style of typography has the company used (serif/san serif/italic/bold) and what does this say about the brand?

The brand had used a san serif font like Helvetica or something similar to indicating it is modern, clean and simple. They have turned the U in the word Tucker’s into a wheat grain again demonstrating that the brand come from natural and fresh products. They have also used another typeface, a handwritten font, they have done this appropriately for the words, “handmade” and “naturally better for you!” reinforcing that there product is all naturally and hand made.  

4. What materials/construction has company used to package the biscuits? In your opinion is the packaging functional? 

They have used cardboard for the outside and the plastic wrapping for the inside, i think it is very functional, and i like how they have used a window so you can see the product which is inside.

5. In your opinion is the packaging eco-friendly and/or sustainable? Why/why not?

Yes, I think most of it is, as it mentions on the back: “Packaging is made from 100% recycled cardboard and printed with vegetable based inks” which is very eco-friendly, however inside they have used a plastic tray as well as a plastic wrapping around the tray, though i think that has to be used to keep the biscuits stay fresh. 

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