Tassal- Tasmanian Salmon
What audience is the advertisement trying to appeal to?
It’s audience is aimed at women in their 20s,30s and 40s.
How is the product positioned in the Ad? Does the company use a photographic image of the product?
The company does use a photographic image of their product though it is not the main focus, they have placed a small picture of salmon on the right hand side of the add, however the main focus is the photo of the face of a women.
How is the taste and texture of the product communicated?
The photo of the salmon looks quite appetizing, as it is on a plate with greens and a lemon, everything looks really fresh and healthy, which is the main aim of this ad. They haven’t really communicated the taste of the product as i think they are more trying to say how good salmon is for you and that it is “Beauty Food” and that if you eat this type of Tasmanian Salmon your skin will look like the women's skin.
How do the headline and tag-line of the advert help to draw in the viewer?
The headline is in a large font size as well as in capitals, drawing the readers to it. In the sub-heading they have named the ingredients which are really good for you to try and persuade you into buying their product.
In your opinion is the advertisement effective?
I think this advertisement is very effective, as the magazine i got this ad from InStyle is aimed at women in their 20s-40s, so they have tried to relate the product, being Tasmanian Salmon to beauty products, which is a main topic through out these types of magazines. The ad is very simple yet effective, the whole feel about it is clean, healthy and pure, they have used natural colours and san-serif font to help them convey this idea.
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